Yvonne & Roger: Our Mission

Our mission is to share our own learning experiences so that others can benefit. We have created movement designed for the health and wellness of the Young at Heart (YAH). Our intent is not only to stay fit, but to feel better. Part of our mission is to teach other instructors how to teach YAH. We want to pass the torch for longevity.

Our shared interest in dance is initially what brought us together. We’ve embrace the idea of “dancing through life.” We want our demographic to maintain a healthy and energetic life full of vibrancy and youthfulness. We’ve employed our many years of expertise in dance, movement and fitness to create a fun, playful and creative dance experience for seniors and people of all ages.

We enjoy team-teaching our students a combination of different dance techniques. We are dedicated to Young at Heart health and wellness.

Yvonne Puckett Dance Fitness Instructor

Yvonne Puckett

Yvonne has been dancing since the young age of 8, started teaching several forms of dance at 16, and performed in her first professional Hollywood job at the age of 18. Her work spans from musical theater to night clubs to film/television. Yvonne's film credits include dance features in Elvis Presley's Roustabouts and Kissin' Cousins as well as movies with Fred Astaire, Debbie Reynolds, Marge Champion, Gower Champion and Jerry Lewis. Yvonne is also an award-winning playwright. She is married to fellow fitness instructor Roger Puckett and is the proud parent of songwriter Matthew Puckett and dancer Serena Puckett. She is the grandparent of David James, Molly Moon and Jack Star.

Roger Puckett Dance Fitness Instructor

Roger Puckett

As a seasoned Broadway veteran and former Metropolitan Opera dancer, Roger’s first love is dance. He owned and ran the famed Triton Gallery (NYC's most notable Broadway poster shop) for 50 years and currently teaches fitness classes all over NYC. He is an expert in free weight training for seniors, having trained with Paul Frediani at Equinox as well as Thomas Jakob and Michael Olajide of X-Fit. Did we mention, he's CPR Certified? Roger hails originally from Texas and received his BFU from TCU.  He is married to fitness instructor Yvonne Puckett and is the father of Serena and Matthew Puckett. Roger is the proud grandfather of his 3 grandchildren, David James, Molly Moon and Jack Star.

Q & A with Yvonne Puckett

How did you and Roger meet?

We are professional dancers; I began studying dance at 8 and Roger at 17. Roger danced on Broadway and I danced Off-Broadway, in films, theaters & nightclubs. We met when I was performing in the musical, The Boyfriend in an Off-Broadway Theatre. Roger came to see the show and we were introduced backstage. We have always shared the common interest of dance.

What are some words of wisdom you would give to other couples on how to maintain a long and healthy relationship, like the one you and Roger share?

Our words of wisdom to other couples for a long and healthy relationship is to share your love & lives together as individuals as well as a couple. Respect each other and yourself. Communicate through the conflicts. Always clear the air: no grudges and no regrets. Best to not let the sun set on an argument. Listen & acknowledge each other’s needs and opinions. Agree to disagree. Stick together through thick and thin! Remember to look back where you came from and where you’re going. Stay playful and take time for the good times; especially if you have kids and/or grand-kids!

What does it mean to you to be "Young at Heart" and how do you and Roger embody this?

We embody Young at Heart not only because of our age but because we teach the young at heart demographics. We asked our classes, how they felt about being called seniors, elderly, old people, aging, active older adults, disabled, and 60+, etc. They seem to feel like they’re branded. They prefer none of the above. A few thought pearls of wisdom would be fun, however, others thought young at heart suited them best.

We represent their age and we especially understand their journey through life. After all, we have lived it. We are alive. We can safely say, we represent and totally embody the Young at Heart philosophy.

Power of Three Dance Fitness by Marina Thomas, Yvonne Puckett, and Roger Puckett

We co-teach our classes with longtime friend and fellow dancer Marina Thomas. We call ourselves Power of 3!

Through dance, we three unique individuals have developed a relationship of love, humility, compassion, and truthfulness. We hope that by working together in harmony we create something magical for others and ourselves in every class we teach.