Triton Gallery Founder Roger Puckett Is Retiring


Puckett, who stayed on at the gallery as its master framer, is planning to teach movement for seniors at the YMCA on 14th Street in Manhattan, and several New York senior centers.

Puckett came to New York to be a dancer and appeared in the chorus of the 1961 musical Kean, plus a gig at the 1964-1965 World’s Fair. In 1965 he bought Goldberg’s Frame Shop on 42nd Street, which had been in operation since 1875. As the business began evolving from framing show posters to the posters and window cards themselves, the rechristened Triton Gallery moved to its location on West 45th Street between Eighth and Ninth Avenues where it stayed for 42 years. The gallery moved around the corner to its current home at 630 Ninth Avenue in 2006.
